National General Congress consist of leaders of the various Special Interest Groups, Chapter leads/ representatives across Canada, past executives and Persons of Ghanaian Heritage with knowledge and skills to advance the aims of the GUC. Their duties include being the voice of their individual chapters/groups and to provide advice and assistance to the Executives Committee to achieve the aims of the organization. They are nominated by their local chapter and/or grassroot community groups or individual members in locations where there are no community group, chapter etc.

Current SIG Leadership are:
  • Immigration - Gerald Arhin
  • Settlement - Sarah Awuah
  • Integration - Comfort Afari
  • Capacity-Building - Gideon Awuah
  • Finance - Michael Dual
  • Right-to-First-Refusal - Leticia Danso
  • Multiculturalism - Nana Kwateng Amanin, Nii Tawiah Koney Okurajah Koney II
  • Legal - Elizabeth A. Addanor, Crown Prosecutor
  • National Youth Network - TBD
  • International Students - Michael Nyame & Geraldine Hiagbe
  • Health - Lady Jane Bobie-Ansah, RN
  • Education - TBD

Special Group