We encourage you to register to become a member or a volunteer. Please fill and complete the form below,
our team will contact you shortly.

To advocate, collaborate and negotiate for the full integration of people of Ghanaian Heritage into the fabric of the Canadian society. To do this GUC will represent the voice of Ghanaian Canadian community before the people and Government of Canada, promotes linkages with Ghana, identifies and addresses the policy-needs of the Ghanaian community in Canada to ensure its continued relevance and development for the enhancement of Canada's socio-economic and cultural fabric.
To be a proactive, reactive, united and self-sustaining body that provides a unified voice in advancing the common interest of the people of Ghanaian heritage residing in Canada.
Core Values and Principles
Present a unified voice at the Federal level to advocate for the rights and integration of people of Ghanaian Heritage into the fabric of Canadian society. Garner (create) a single consistent voice on policy-oriented issues that impact people of Ghanaian Heritage in our interaction with Canadian government and/or intergovernmental agencies and interest groups.

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